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Deaf Interpretation
11:15am Sunday LiveStream
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When we are baptized we declare before God, church, and family our allegiance to Jesus Christ. It is a public statement that our life now belongs to Christ. Please bring a towel and a change of clothes. Register to find out when and where the next Baptism is happening!
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Servant Team Classes

Join our Servant Team Classes! Learn about your spiritual gifts and how God wants to use your gifts to serve Him and bless His church! Get connected!
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Join the Servant Team

Being part of the church means serving one another, encouraging those around you in their walk with Jesus. Every Christian is uniquely gifted by God; as we serve Him and His church we are fulfilling our God-given purpose. You are part of the church and the church thrives as every part serves God with love and joy.

What's New

Foreword by Erwin W. Lutzer - The Making of a Biblical Leader: A Practical Guide to Leading Others Well by Robert Furrow - General Editor Foreword by Erwin W. Lutzer - The Making of a Biblical Leader: A Practical Guide to Leading Others Well by Robert Furrow - General Editor

Order Robert Furrow's Book

The Making of a Biblical Leader

While there are many traits that effective Christian and secular leaders share in common, there is one trait that sets them apart. For the Christian leader, every standard and measure of greatness is drawn not from profit margins, popularity, or worldly acclaim, but uniquely from the Word of God.

The Making of a Biblical Leader explores the essentials of spiritually guided leadership, both in character and in practice, for those seeking to grow in their ability to lead with wisdom and integrity. With contributions from ten trusted ministry leaders grounded firmly in Scripture, this inspiring and practical resource will help you identify the biblical markers of godly leadership, successfully navigate difficult leadership situations, build long-lasting relational bridges, embrace the transformative power of suffering and more!

Whether you’re leading a church, serving in your community, managing a business, or guiding others in any capacity, you’ll find powerful, proven principles of Christ-centered leadership that will bolster your kingdom impact for years to come.

Contributors: Robert Furrow | Skip Heitzig | Lenya Heitzig | Gary Hamrick | Daniel Fusco | Ed Taylor | David Guzik | Jim Gallagher | Sean McDowell | Frank Turek


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West Campus

Sunday at 8:45 AM and 11:15 AM
Wednesday at 7:15 PM
5170 S. Julian Drive, Tucson AZ 85706
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East Campus

Sunday at 10 AM
Saturday and Wednesday at 6 PM
8711 E. Speedway Boulevard, Tucson AZ 85710
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Online Campus

Sunday at 10 AM
Saturday and Wednesday at 6 PM
Know God
How do you become a Christian?
know god background of a man looking up to the universe know god background of a man looking up to the universe